Simple Tooth Extraction - ZIA DENTAL CARE
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Tooth Extraction

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Tooth Extraction

Do you fear tooth extraction? Are you anxious and nerve-wracked?
Tooth Extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone.
It’s primarily performed by a dentist or an Oral Surgeon.

When is a tooth extraction necessary?

Although your dentist tries his best to preserve your teeth but may recommend you to get it extracted when the damage is too severe and cannot be repaired.
Some reasons when our dentist may advise you for extraction are;
1. Decay has reached deep down the tooth and cannot be preserved.
2. A traumatized tooth after an injury that cannot be treated or preserved.
3. Periodontal disease has loosened your tooth from its socket.
4. There isn’t enough space for your teeth in the mouth due to overcrowding.
5. Braces and other orthodontic procedures that need room for tooth movement.
6. A primary tooth blocks the eruption of the permanent teeth.
7. Infected tooth that may spread the infection to the underlying bone if not removed.
8. Wisdom teeth also called third molars are often extracted if they do not have enough room to erupt or impacted under the bone or soft tissues.

What is a dry socket?

Dry socket is one of the painful dental emergencies you may experience after the tooth extraction. Dry socket is basically an inflammation of your tooth socket which is more common in the lower jaw. The more difficult the tooth extraction, the more chances to develop a dry socket.
In the case of a dry socket, healing of an extraction site is disrupted, resulting in severe pain. The most common symptom of dry socket is a sharp, throbbing pain that worsens after a meal, and the site is tender to touch.
The pain usually starts three days after the extraction and doesn’t resolve itself.
The most common cause of a dry socket is smoking within the next 72 hours following tooth extraction which impairs the healing developing a dry socket.

How is dry socket treated?

Your extraction site is thoroughly cleaned and washed. Then your dentist puts a special paste on your extraction site. This paste consists of eugenol and helps to heal the socket, eliminating the pain.
Typically your pain disappears within next 24 hours but some patients might require more than 1 appointment till their issue is resolved.
Proper oral hygienepractice and following after care instructions might help preventing any further complication.


Dentists usually not recommend tooth extraction when a woman is pregnant. That’s because it can lead to excessive anxiety and pain, which is unsafe for a developing baby. However, in case of an infection or gingivitis, an emergency tooth extraction may be considered.
As hormonal secretion is excessive during pregnancy, it can cause or worsen dental problems, such as;
1. Gingivitis, that can cause inflammation and swelling and makes your gums tender. You may also notice bleeding gums while brushing or flossing.
2. Tooth Decay, which is usually caused by excessive intake of carbohydrates during pregnancy. Morning sickness and acid reflux can also cause tooth decay due to enamel wear.
Most of the dentist doesn’t recommend tooth extraction during pregnancy unless an emergency. The ideal time to get a tooth extracted during pregnancy is the second trimester. This is the safest time period, as your baby’s most organs are developed by this time. However, your dentist may take numerous safety precautions to avoid any dental emergency.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What Is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth Extraction refers to the procedure of removal of a tooth from the mouth. Teeth in the socket are sitting in the alveolar bone. During a tooth extraction, the tooth root is removed from the alveolar bone along with the crown and rest of the tooth from the mouth.

What level of pain should I expect during a tooth extraction?

Typically, before starting a tooth extraction procedure, local anesthesia is administered to the patient to ensure that the area is numbed reducing the risk of discomfort and make them feel relaxed and comfortable. When anesthesia gets effective, the procedure begins and the patient can’t feel any pain although the patient may feel a little pain due to tension and tearing force during extraction. Also, many infected teeth that are subjected to extraction have nerves that are dead or dying, which means that the affected tooth may not be able to send pain signals out to the brain.

What is a “Dry Socket” and how do I know if I have one?

The term “dry socket” refers to a condition called alveolar osteitis, or a premature breakdown of the blood clot present in an extraction site. Smoking, poor oral hygiene, and over-excursion in the post-operative period can contribute to this condition, but sometimes there is no obvious cause. Typically, “dry socket” presents itself 3-5 days after the surgery with increased pain, foul odor and taste, and bad breath. This condition can be treated very easily and requires that we wash out the socket and place a medication dressing, which provides pain relief usually within an hour after placement. These medicated dressings typically are replaced every 2-3 days in our clinic until the condition gets treated in one to two weeks. If you are experiencing symptoms consistent with “dry socket,” You can call us anytime to book your appointment so we can see you the very next day. You can visit us anytime for a consultation with our doctors.

How can I control the bleeding after my tooth extraction?

Believe it or not, some bleeding after tooth extractions are beneficial – good blood flow usually means good healing. The gauze we applied after the extraction is to apply firm, consistent pressure to the extraction sites for 45-60 minutes at a time. If you have gauze in your mouth and you are not biting down firmly, the gauze is doing no good. Do not take the gauze in and out every five minutes to look at it as it just tends to stir up more bleeding. Often, when patients are removing their gauze after surgery, they are surprised at how wet and bloody the gauze appears and this is often perceived as excessive bleeding. Most of the time, the gauze is saturated with saliva with a few drops of blood that give it the appearance of a lot of bleeding when it really isn’t. If you run out of gauze, most pharmacies sell it or you can bite on tea bags; the tannic acid in tea helps in clot formation. If your mouth is rapidly filling up with blood and the above measures are not helping to slow down the bleeding, you can call us anytime for assistance. Also, it is normal to notice small episodes of bleeding for several days after having teeth removed; simply bite on gauze again in the area of bleeding if you experience bleeding in the days after your surgery.

When Can a Tooth Extraction Be Done In Pregnancy?

The ideal time to get a tooth extracted during pregnancy is the second trimester.
This is the safest time period, as your baby’s most organs are developed by this time. However, your dentist may take numerous safety precautions to avoid any dental emergency.

Why do people get their teeth extracted?

People can have teeth extracted for many kinds of reasons:
• Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth are molar-like teeth that erupt at the back of the mouth beside the second molar, often in the lower jaw and, sometimes in the upper. They are vestibular meaning that we do not need them anymore and we can chew without them. Wisdom teeth, unfortunately, don’t always emerge properly. They emerge sometimes in different directions other than in the direction to erupt, and they get impacted which should be extracted as soon as possible. Sometimes there’s not enough space at the back of the mouth to house them, and they can push into the surrounding teeth, opening up pockets in the gum that get infected. Often, the only solution is to remove them to avoid repeated infections.
• Decayed teeth: Sometimes, teeth get decayed to the point where they can no longer be saved. Extracting the decayed tooth allows the dentist to fit replacement teeth in the form of a dental bridge or dental implant.
• Acid damage: Stomach acid or carbonated drinks can erode tooth down to the point that it can no longer provide you the adequate biting force.
• Dental trauma: Physical injury can damage the crown of the tooth (the part above the gum) to the point of an extent that a tooth can not be repaired or treated and the entire tooth needs to be removed and replaced.

What do I need to do after my tooth extraction?

Once the procedure is done, detailed at-home care instructions will be given to the patient. To speed up the recovery and avoid any complications, patients must follow the given at-home instructions diligently. However, do know that the recovery period varies from patient to patient.

Can I brush after a tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, avoid cleaning the teeth next to the healing tooth socket for the rest of the day. You should, however, brush and floss your other teeth thoroughly, and begin cleaning the teeth next to the healing tooth socket the next day. The tongue should also be brushed. This will help eliminate the bad breath and unpleasant taste that are common after an extraction. The day after the extraction, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water (half a teaspoon salt in half glass of warm water) after meals to keep food particles out of the extraction site. But remember not to rinse your mouth vigorously, as this may dislodge the blood clot.

When can I start smoking after a tooth extraction?

Avoid smoking for at least 48 hours as the socket is healing and cigarette contains some chemical elements which are vasoconstrictor and slows down your healing process. When a tooth is extracted a blood clot is formed in the socket, Smoking physically has a suctioning method when you inhale or exhale the smoke, this suction can dislodge the blood clot from the wound and open up the wound to bacteria which can cause infection and dry socket. So we recommend you to avoid smoking as it can interfere with the healing process of the wound and try to quit it as it is the best time.

Is a Tooth Extraction During Pregnancy Safe?

Dentists usually not recommend tooth extraction when a woman is pregnant. That’s because it can lead to excessive anxiety and pain, which is unsafe for a developing baby. However, in case of an infection or gingivitis, an emergency tooth extraction may be considered. Most of the dentists don’t recommend tooth extraction during pregnancy unless in an emergency.
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