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Scaling & Polishing

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Teeth Scaling & Polishing

Teeth scaling & polishing is a treatment To Prevent Periodontal Disease and Maintaining Oral Hygiene
Are you having bad breathe issues? Are your teeth badly stained?
Do often feel sensitivity after having an ice cream or a cup of tea?
If you’re facing any of these problems, that means you’re not maintaining your oral hygiene.
Do you really want the situation to get worsen?
When was the last time you visited your dentist for a dental cleaning?
If you think it doesn’t matter, well it actually does!
Dental Scaling and Polishing is simply a preventive treatment to remove plaque, stains, and other bacterial deposition, that can lead to tooth cavity, gum diseases(gingivitis), and other periodontal diseases.

Seeking Oral Prophylaxis treatment can help to maintain proper dental hygiene.

What is Teeth Scaling?

Teeth Scaling, a common dental procedure involves removal of hardened plaque also known as calculus.
It is a periodontal therapy that also removes stains and tooth discoloration, improving cosmetic appearance.

What is Teeth Polishing?

A basic scaling technique leaves your teeth rough, making it necessary for polishing to smooth them out.
Polishing is basically of two types;
Air polishing uses the polishing powder that removes surface stains, mainly medium and heavy stains. For light stains, brush polishing is carried out with a cleaning paste.

Everything you need to know about Scaling and Polishing

Harmful bacteria residing in dental plaque or calculus accumulate around your teeth and under your gums, thereby not being accessible to a normal toothbrush.
This calculus under your gums can lead to tooth decay and several other gum diseases if not removed.
The presence of bacteria may cause loosening of your gums away from the tooth and promotes the formation of small spaces or pockets.
These gum pockets deepen over time and weaken the periodontium and the underlying bone.
While dental plaque on teeth can be removed with proper brushing and flossing, some inevitably left plaque hardens to form calculus and can only be removed with professional dental scaling techniques.

Step by Step Process of Teeth Scaling & Polishing

During your routine dental visit, your dentist will assess your oral health conditions.
You’ll further be advised for Scaling and Polishing depending on your requirement.
The dentist might numb your gums with an appropriate local anesthetic to avoid any discomfort.
This is generally done when you’re going under a deeper scaling or a Root Planing procedure.

Scaling is a process of scraping plaque and calculus from your tooth and along your gum line with the help of an Ultrasonic Scaler.
This instrument uses ultrasonic vibration to loosen and fragment the hard deposits sticking to the teeth surfaces.
Water is sprayed through a water coolant to wash away the debris and removed from the mouth through a suction pipe.
Deeper scaling requires hand instruments to remove the tartar buildup attached to the root.
This Root Planing encourages gum healing with the removal of bacteria from the gingival pockets. After your dentist is done with the scaling process, polishing is carried out using Pumice and Rubber cups.
This abrasive material will remove the external stains and smooth out the tooth surface.

Keeping it Healthy & Clean; Why is it important?

When your gums are healthy, the tissue is attached to the tooth, preventing bacteria accumulation and Pocket formation.
Scaling helps to strengthen your teeth and provides tartar free healthy gums.
Are your gums pink in color and doesn’t bleed when brushing or flossing? Congratulations! Your gums are healthy.
Still, a dental checkup every 6 months is important & you should visit us
See the link below for dental checkup.

Prevent Plaque Buildup

To prevent plaque buildup, regular teeth cleaning is necessary.
This goal can only be achieved with:
1. Correct brushing techniques, twice a day.
2. Tooth flossing at least once a day between the tooth spaces where the bristles of your toothbrush cannot reach.
3. Using an antibacterial mouthwash also reduces bacteria that can cause plaque buildup and gum diseases.

Scaling Before Everything

Before starting any other important dental treatment, patients are advised to go for Scaling and Polishing first.
This ensures that your teeth are free of plaque to avoid any contamination.
Whether it be placing braces or tooth implants it is necessary because before starting any treatment we do not want bacteria in plaque to accumulate in the braces or cause infection during the long implant procedure.
In the case of teeth whitening, hard deposits on teeth interfere with the whitening process and leave that area untouched by the whitening agent.
For braces and orthodontic treatments, teeth need to be clean in the beginning as the procedure itself is long and time-consuming

Smile Boost Your Confidence

Polishing removes all irregularities on teeth surfaces and smoothen them.
It leaves a smooth and glossy surface, reducing the chances of food deposition.
When superficial external stains are wiped off, your teeth appear glossy.
Good dental hygiene and aesthetic tooth appearance can boost your confidence and self-esteem.
Well, let us take care of your smile as we know how important it is for you.
A healthy smile itself can speak a lot about a person.
He is confident to smile and laugh out openly as he can an show the world what a beautiful smile he is having which we will be taken care of.
Be confident now, you’ll shine just like your teeth.

Tooth Decay

If not removed, plaque can lead to dental caries and tooth decay.
Long-standing plaque and calculus build-up can result in severe gum diseases such as Gingivitis and Periodontitis.
Dental caries can lead to a minor cavity which should be taken care of as soon as possible.

Toothache & Cavity

Bacteria residing in our mouth feeds on plaque and release acids creating a hole or a cavity at the place of plaque accumulation.
This formed cavity or tooth decay is the most common reason for a toothache.
Gum diseases also lead to cavity formation and therefore predispose to toothache.
Scaling can resolve this problem. But if the cavity is deep and beyond scaling treatment do not worry we have got it covered.

Scaling of teeth harmful: A Myth or a Fact?

Have you heard people saying, ‘scaling makes your teeth sensitive!’?
Well, that’s actually just a myth.
The fact is, when tartar is removed by scaling, the teeth are exposed to the oral environment which makes them feel sensitive.
This sensitivity will vanish in a couple of days when the tissue gets attached to the gums.
Likewise, some say, scaling weakens your teeth and loosens them!
In fact, it strengthens your teeth by removing the calculus buildup that acts as bad support which ultimately can leave you with no teeth in the future.
Have you ever imagined yourself without teeth?
A common belief is that scaling is painful.
Contrary to this, scaling is a painless procedure with just a feeling of vibrating sensation and scraping on teeth.
You don’t need to be anxious.
A six-monthly visit to the dentist can help you have all your teeth till you live!


Your dentist may also apply fluoride.
Make no mistake though, this in-office fluoride treatment is meant for topical use only on the surfaces of the teeth and is not meant to be ingested.
It is available in gel, foam, solution, and varnish.
This fluoride application is basically a tooth cavity treatment that reduces the risk of cavities, thereby slowing the growth of bacteria and preventing gum diseases.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Does scaling & polishing hurts?

Scaling and polishing usually don’t hurt if it’s superficially around the gumline.
But it may hurt if the calculus is accumulated under your gums making it difficult for removal.
Therefor deep scaling techniques require a local anesthetic to ensure the patient’s comfort.

Do I need to have scaling & polishing even if I maintain my oral hygiene?

Yes, you do need to have scaling even if you maintain your oral hygiene perfectly, brush twice a day, and floss regularly.
Tooth cervices are inaccessible thereby promoting plaque accumulation
Scaling makes this step possible to remove it from deep down the gingival pockets.
Scaling also saves your gums from swelling and bleeding, preventing severe gum diseases in the future.

How often do I need to have scaling & polishing?

Depending on the proliferation of plaque in the mouth due to certain factors like hormones, age, cigarettes, intake of sugary food, and poor oral hygiene (no floss, etc), your doctor will let you know on a case to case basis how often you should go.
As a general guideline, dentists recommend scaling every 6 months in order to maintain the best oral hygiene and healthy gums.
If however, we find that the plaque is under control, we will tell you to come back within a year.

Is it harmful for my teeth & gums?

No it’s not harmful, in fact, its carried out to preserve your teeth and gums.
Plaque buildup can predispose to other serious gum diseases that can eventually lead to tooth loss.
Therefore the removal is necessary in order to prevent this damage.

What are the afterwards effects of scaling?

Your mouth may feel sore and sensitive after your dental scaling and root planing.
Some patients experience bleeding and swollen gums for the next few days until your gums are completely healed.
Your dentist will recommend you a desensitizing tooth to prevent any sensitivity and discomfort.
Recovery only takes a few days but may take longer if not treated the right way.

Is there anything I should avoid after scaling?

It is recommended to avoid staining foods and beverages for the next few days.
If you’re a smoker, it’s advised to avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after scaling.

Now that I'm done with scaling, do I still need to floss?

Yes, flossing generally removes the food particles stuck between your teeth. These food particles are the primary source of plaque buildup if they’re not removed.
Therefore flossing is necessary in order to prevent tooth damage and plaque accumulation.

Will scaling and polishing remove all the stains?

8. Will scaling and polishing remove all the stains?
No scaling and polishing will just remove the external stains on smooth surfaces. The fixtures stains are difficult to remove.

Why do I need scaling? What happens if I don't do scaling?

Scaling is done to remove plaque and tartar deposits. These deposits can eventually lead to bad breath, bleeding gums, receding gums painful chewing, and eventually tooth loss. These are the symptoms of gum disease. therefore, in order to prevent gum disease scaling is done.

Does scaling creates spaces between the teeth?

It is a misconception among people that scaling creates spaces between the teeth.
When calculus is deposited between your teeth, it often fills all the gaps that are already present between your teeth.
Scaling removes the calculus(tartar) leaving those original spaces which feel like a portion of your teeth is removed.
This is normal and you’ll get used to it within the next few days.

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