Invisible Aligners - ZIA DENTAL CARE
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Orthodontic treatments seem more like purely aesthetic treatments for an attractive smile, but that’s not always the reason.
Crooked teeth are harder to keep clean, therefore are generally at risk of decay and periodontal disease, and can also cause jaw pain.
Also, people who aren’t confident in their smile may feel that they lack a certain quality of life in social and professional situations, making it necessary for them to get orthodontic treatment to boost up their confidence.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners, also known as Invisible Aligners, are a type of orthodontic treatment that corrects misaligned or crooked teeth. These type of braces are a virtually invisible and removable alternative to other conventional braces such as metal or ceramic braces which look unaesthetic in nature when you smile or talk. Clear aligners are a solution for patients who are seeking a more cautious orthodontic treatment than conventional braces, as they do not involve the use of brackets or wires. For this type of orthodontic treatment, aligner trays are customized for every patient differently, depending on the need or the severity of teeth misalignment (malocclusion).
Clear aligners can treat a different type of cases, including:
1. Crowded Teeth, to create room for every teeth
2. Overbites, when your upper teeth overlap your lower teeth.
3. Underbites, when the lower front teeth overlap with the upper front teeth.
4. Diastema, when there are small or large gaps between the teeth.
5. Open Bites, when the front upper and lower teeth do not touch when the mouth is shut. This is a very rare type of malocclusion.
6. Misaligned Primary (Baby) Teeth, clear aligners can be used during phase I orthodontic treatment to make room for existing baby teeth and developing permanent teeth. Children between 6 and 10 years of age are candidates for this treatment.
Invisalign is considered one of the latest and most revolutionary inventions for a bright confident smile with naturally straight teeth.

Process of Invisalign

Invisalign is a form of braces that uses a clear transparent acrylic sheet. They’re made of Invisalign’s own blend of plastic and manufactured in their own facilities based on molds of your mouth. Not every patient is a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. To get Invisalign, you first need to have a consultation with our dentist. They will look at your smile, your overall oral health, and take impressions of your mouth for the fabrication of customized aligner trays according to your mouth and case. Our dentist creates your overall treatment plan and serves as your partner in getting the results you want.
You can see a digital preview of your new smile before the aligners are created. After teeth impressions are made, the custom cat impression of your teeth is sent to a digital dental lab.
Individual teeth are segmented and cleaned for any obvious impurities. Your dental arches are then examined to ensure proper fit and bite.
The gingiva is also added and the sequence of aligners is staged based on our orthodontist instructions.
Then the digital plan is placed online for orthodontists to review and approve.
Once approved, the digital models are transferred to a production facility and the aligners are fabricated.
The clear aligners are sent directly to our dentist and then delivered to you.

After care and follow up appointments

New aligners are made every 1 to 2 weeks, depending upon the severity of malocclusion.
You should wear aligners for at least 22 hours per day in order to achieve the desired results.
Each set of aligners will slowly move your teeth into the correct position, according to individual treatment plans.
Depending on you, treatment can take anywhere from 10 to 24 months, sometimes longer.
Once your treatment is complete, a custom clear retainer is made from a mold of the newly straightened teeth.
Retainers should be worn every night while sleeping to ensure malocclusion does not recur over time.

How to preserve your aligners?

For an effective and successful treatment, aligners need to preserved and taken care of properly.
To ensure the cleanliness and safety of your aligners;
1. Always rinse them with cold or lukewarm water after removal. Make sure not to rinse them with hot water or it may damage the plastic.
2. Brush and floss the teeth regularly before wearing aligners.
3. Soak them in retainer or denture cleaner.
4. Remove your aligners before eating.
5. Clean the aligners with mild soap daily. Never clean them with toothpaste as they are abrasive and may damage them.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I eat and drink with my aligners?

You should take them off while eating and drinking. Brush your teeth after every meal and rinse your teeth and put your aligners back.

I have a broken tooth, can I still get an aligner?

We recommend getting a broken tooth repaired before aligner treatment. However, it is possible to do impressions and get aligner treatment with a broken tooth as long as you don’t get it fixed during aligner treatment.
You can then get it fixed once the aligner treatment is completed.
Still, you must consult with our dentist, however, if she recommends this.

How can I clean my aligners?

For most people, day time rinsing with cool tap water is sufficient. You may also use a toothbrush to clean the aligners for any food particles.
DO NOT use any harsh abrasives or other chemicals. DO NOT use denture cleaners. These cleaners are too harsh and can damage your aligners by making them look cloudy or making them brittle.

Is Invisalign treatment right for me?

Yes! Invisalign treatment can be a great solution for both adults and teens looking for a virtually invisible method to improve their smile. But still we would suggest to consult our dentist so that they may recommend you best treatment as per your needs.

How do aligners work?

During your treatment you will be supplied with a set of aligners, depending on your particular case.
Each aligner will make 0.33mm adjustments to the positioning of your teeth as planned by our orthodontist. When aligners are placed on the teeth, they gently shift gradually from their current position, day by day. You have to wear each set of aligners for 2 weeks before the next stage.

What are the benefits of aligners in comparison to conventional braces?

Braces apply a pull force that gradually shifts teeth into place, and aligners use a push force to rotate your teeth. Each aligner you will be wearing, makes a smooth, very mild teeth rotation, more preferable for adults, without any gum bleeding and pain, which is generally common with the use of metal braces.

How long does an average treatment lasts?

Times vary depending on each case, but the average treatment time with clear aligners is 13 months. Once your orthodontic treatment is over, you will wear a retainer at night for a short while to prevent recurring.

How long does an average treatment lasts?

The more you wear clear braces, the better the results. Our patients aim to wear aligners for at least 20 hours a day, removing them only when eating, brushing, and flossing.
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