Best Female Dentist for Aligners in Karachi | 24/7 Clinic
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Best Female Dentist For Invisible Aligners in Karachi


  • Invisible Aligners are a type of orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth, made of clear plastic that fits over the teeth.
  • Unlike traditional metallic braces, invisible aligners are removable and virtually invisible.
  • They are custom-made for each patient and are changed every two weeks to gradually move the teeth into their desired position.
  • They are typically used for mild to moderate orthodontic issues and are a popular alternative to traditional braces because of their cosmetic appeal.
  • The treatment time can vary depending on the individual case, but it is typically 6-18 months.
  • They require proper hygiene, regular orthodontic check-ups and must be worn as directed by the orthodontist to achieve the desired results.
  • Here are some tips for choosing aligners:
    1. Consult with an Orthodontist: A professional orthodontist can evaluate your teeth and recommend the best type of aligner for your specific needs.
    2. Research different types of aligners: There are various types of aligners available, including clear plastic aligners, lingual aligners, and self-ligating aligners.
    3. Consider your lifestyle: Consider factors like the visibility of your aligners, the level of maintenance they require, and whether you are able to remove them while eating and brushing your teeth.
    4. Look for clear aligners with a strong track record: Some brands of clear aligners have been on the market for years and have a proven track record for delivering results, like Clear Path Aligners.
    5. Check for FDA clearance: Make sure the aligners you choose have been cleared by the FDA.
    6. Get a treatment plan and cost estimate: Make sure you understand the treatment plan and cost before you start, including the estimated length of treatment, the number of aligners needed, and any additional costs for retaining your new smile.
    7. Ask about the return policy: Make sure you know the company’s return policy in case the aligners do not fit properly or you are not satisfied with the results.


  • Is choosing Clear Aligners will be the best suitable option for straightening teeth?


  • Clear aligners are a popular option for straightening teeth and can be effective for mild to moderate cases of misalignment.
  • However, they may not be the best option for everyone and the suitability of clear aligners depends on several factors such as:
  • Every orthodontic patient deserves a perfect smile and now this is possible through Clear Aligners.
  • If you want to straighten your teeth without anyone noticing then aligners are the best possible option for you.
  • Clear aligners are best suited for mild to moderate cases of misalignment and may not be suitable for more severe cases.
  • Clear aligners require consistent wear, typically 22 hours per day, for them to be effective.
  • Clear aligners are best suited for adults and may not be suitable for younger patients whose teeth are still developing.
  • Clear aligners can be more expensive than traditional braces, although the cost will vary depending on your specific treatment plan.
  • Clear aligners are removable, making them a convenient option for people with active lifestyles who don’t want to be limited by fixed braces.
  • Aligners also called Invisible Braces are faster than Metallic Braces for teeth straightening.
  • Aligners are more comfortable than Metallic Braces.
  • Clear braces are more predictable so you can easily judge the teeth aligner’s treatment outcome.
  • Clear Aligners are affordable, moreover, you can pay in monthly payments.
  • Invisible Aligners treatment is almost painless compared to Metallic Braces Treatment.
  • Clear Aligners puts zero stains on your teeth during treatment while metallic braces cannot prevent staining and demineralization.
  • For clear braces, you don’t need to visit your dentist every month.
  • You can travel around the world with your clear aligners.
  • Solutions to difficult cases are now possible through invisible aligners without extractions of teeth.
  • For clear orthodontic braces, you need to pay only once till your treatment ends.
  • If you will choose the clear orthodontic braces treatment then retainers will be included in your complete package.
  • Clear orthodontic braces also have good tensile strength and crack resistance that’s why day by day people are preferring invisible aligners instead of metallic braces.
    • Why Choose Zia Dental Care for Clear Aligners???

    • Zia Dental Care is providing the best affordable aligners cost in Karachi.
    • Through Zia Dental Care you can transform your teeth alignment with clear path aligners.
    • Clear Path orthodontics is the only American FDA approved manufacturing company in Pakistan and is also available in more than 26 Countries so you don’t need to worry if you are a foreigner.
    • Call us today!!! for a fast, clear, and affordable solution for your crooked teeth.
    best cosmetic dentist for invisible aligners cost in karachi
    • Do you want to straighten teeth without teeth wire braces, and are you looking for teeth alignment without braces? Say no more as we are going to tell you how.
    • Aligners will take care of your crooked teeth.
    • They are plastic braces.
    • Aligners are also called invisible braces.
    • They are installed easily.
    • Aligners are much more convenient and removable.
    • Our smile is our most prized possession, and it’s up to us to protect it and repair it.   
    • No one likes crooked teeth, but something that we all dislike more than crooked teeth is braces.
    • They just don’t fit right even if you find someone who provides the best braces services in Pakistan, they still don’t look good.
    • Not to worry, as we have a more innovative alternative to braces, and that is aligners, I’ll tell you more about it.
    What are Aligners Braces?

    Aligners are braces used to correct crooked teeth, but they are better because they are invisible. Yes! Now you can fix your smile and not be worried to smile at the same time due to braces that are not visible; what can be better than that? Now you must be thinking about how much these invisible braces cost in Pakistan? Not to worry? We will inform you about everything but first, let’s dig into some advantages of these invisible aligners in Pakistan; why should you not for them? Where can you get the best invisible braces in Pakistan?

    Why should you go for Invisible Aligners?
    • Because comfort is a priority, it’s hectic when things get stuck between our braces; it’s troubling to maintain them too. If you opt for Invisalign, the process of installing invisible aligners, you will be much comfortable. Let me tell you the best part; these plastic aligners can be taken out whenever you need to eat and drink, which means no food getting stuck in between!
    • When you get your Invisalign done by the best dentist in Karachi, you will notice a drastic change in your personality due to the boost of confidence.
    • Recently, there are many dental care clinics in Karachi offering a much more advanced and renewed version of these invisible braces, which means better comfort and a beautiful smile.
    Why is Invisalign better than Ordinary Braces?

    When you opt for invisible braces from any affordable dental care in Karachi, Pakistan, rather than the regular braces, you get rid of the following issues,

    • You get rid of pain and any discomfort.
    • Your mouth won’t be sore.
    • There will be no plaque building up inside your mouth.
    • You will be saying farewell to any injury caused by braces.
    • Your teeth won’t be discoloured.
    • You won’t have any difficulty eating or drinking.
    Don't skip your Invisible Braces Dentist Appointment?

    After you find the best-priced orthodontist near me and get your braces, the first few months, your braces will be temporary as they are changed according to the frequent movement of your teeth.

    To get them changed and tuned accordingly, you have to make sure you miss no dentist appointment. Soon, when your teeth come in line after a few months, you will get permanent aligners so that your teeth can stay in shape and perfect more efficiently internally.

    How to maintain your Invisible Aligners?

    Once you have your invisible aligners in hand, now is the time to make sure that you enjoy the partial braces price that you paid. You have to maintain your aligners regularly; these invisible plastic braces won’t show 100% results. We will give you some tips to keep your invisible aligners.

    • Now that you have your best Invisalign braces, you have to keep them neat and clean. Make it your habit to take them out regularly at any part of your day and rinse them properly with cold or lukewarm water. Never use hot water on your aligners, as it might damage the plastic.
    • No matter how many people suggest it but you should never use other materials to clean your plastic braces, such as mouth wash etc. what will happen when you use them is that your braces might appear dull and less invisible after some time.
    • Aligners are meant to be worn for almost 22 hours; many people are comfortable taking them off with naps; make sure you rinse them whenever you take them off. This helps in removing saliva and bacteria.
    • Keep your aligners in lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes every day so that they stay soft, clean and, bacteria-free.
    • The storage of your plastic braces should only be done in a proper case that comes along with them, not in anything else.
    • Plastic braces don’t mean your original teeth don’t need any care. Make sure you brush and take care of your teeth as you used too before the plastic braces.
    • You can remove your plastic braces whenever you want; it preferred to remove them when you eat or drink anything other than water. Removing them will keep them safe from getting stained or damaged in any way. Trust us; you don’t want to get them stained because you paid a lot to get them invisible.
    Clear Aligners or Invisible Aligners

    Orthodontic treatments seem more like purely aesthetic treatments for an attractive smile, but that’s not always the reason. Crooked teeth are harder to keep clean. Therefore they are generally at risk of decay and periodontal disease and can also cause jaw pain. Also, people who aren’t confident in their smile may feel that they lack a certain quality of life in social and professional situations, making it necessary for them to get orthodontic treatment to boost their confidence.

    Clear aligners can treat a different type of cases, including:

    • Crowded Teeth create room for every teeth.
    • Overbites, when your upper teeth overlap your lower teeth.
    • Underbites, when the lower front teeth overlap with the upper front teeth.
    • Diastema, when there are small or large gaps between the teeth.
    • Open Bites, when the front upper and lower teeth do not touch when the mouth is shut. This is a scarce type of malocclusion.
    • Misaligned Primary (Baby) Teeth, clear aligners can be used during phase I orthodontic treatment to make room for existing baby teeth and develop permanent teeth. Children between 6 and 10 years of age are candidates for this treatment.
    • Invisalign is considered one of the latest and most revolutionary inventions for a bright, confident smile with naturally straight teeth.

    Clear aligners, also known as Invisible Aligners, are a type of orthodontic treatment that corrects misaligned or crooked teeth. These braces are a virtually invisible and removable alternative to other conventional braces, such as metal or ceramic braces, which look unaesthetic when you smile or talk. Clear aligners are a solution for patients who are seeking a more conservative orthodontic treatment than conventional braces, as they do not involve the use of brackets or wires. For this type of orthodontic treatment, aligner trays are customized for every patient differently, depending on the need or the severity of teeth misalignment (malocclusion).

    Can I eat and drink with my aligners?

    You should take them off while eating and drinking. Brush your teeth after every meal and rinse your teeth and put your aligners back.

    I have a broken tooth, can I still get an aligner?

    We recommend getting a broken tooth repaired before aligner treatment. However, it is possible to do impressions and get aligner treatment with a broken tooth as long as you don’t get it fixed during aligner treatment.
    You can then get it fixed once the aligner treatment is completed.
    Still, you must consult with our dentist, however, if she recommends this.

    How can I clean my aligners?

    For most people, day time rinsing with cool tap water is sufficient. You may also use a toothbrush to clean the aligners for any food particles.
    DO NOT use any harsh abrasives or other chemicals. DO NOT use denture cleaners. These cleaners are too harsh and can damage your aligners by making them look cloudy or making them brittle.

    Is Invisalign treatment right for me?

    Yes! Invisalign treatment can be a great solution for both adults and teens looking for a virtually invisible method to improve their smile. But still we would suggest to consult our dentist so that they may recommend you best treatment as per your needs.

    How do aligners work?

    During your treatment you will be supplied with a set of aligners, depending on your particular case.
    Each aligner will make 0.33mm adjustments to the positioning of your teeth as planned by our orthodontist. When aligners are placed on the teeth, they gently shift gradually from their current position, day by day. You have to wear each set of aligners for 2 weeks before the next stage.

    What are the benefits of aligners in comparison to conventional braces?

    Braces apply a pull force that gradually shifts teeth into place, and aligners use a push force to rotate your teeth. Each aligner you will be wearing, makes a smooth, very mild teeth rotation, more preferable for adults, without any gum bleeding and pain, which is generally common with the use of metal braces.

    How long does an average treatment lasts?

    Times vary depending on each case, but the average treatment time with clear aligners is 13 months. Once your orthodontic treatment is over, you will wear a retainer at night for a short while to prevent recurring.

    How long does an average treatment lasts?

    The more you wear clear braces, the better the results. Our patients aim to wear aligners for at least 20 hours a day, removing them only when eating, brushing, and flossing.



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    Mon – Sun: 10am – 10pm
    Dental Emergency: 10pm – 10am